Read more from Kristin


The Power of Bhujangasana

“When we back off a little we have the opportunity to notice if we feel more heart opening in low cobra or upward-facing dog.  And in that space we can be more mindful of whether we are practicing in service of our self or our ego.”


The Skillful Route to Paschima Namaskara

“Still, there is an argument to be made about how the pose should be practiced not only to gain the most physically, but also to explore our true nature through the asana.”


What We Can Learn From Navasana

“Although it’s not a crowd pleaser, navasana truly should get the unsung hero award for all it does to strengthen the body.”


Oh Bakasana, how do I love thee?

“Serenity, elegance, confidence are just a few words we can swap out for the noun “poise”. Three qualities I think we all might relish or aspire to achieve both in our yoga practice as well as in our daily grind.”


Ustrasana’s True Charge

“With this ongoing series, my intention is to source from my nine years of experience as an instructor and as a student and share with readers some insights as to how we might breathe new life into asana with poise as our barometer. More presence, more polish… less swagger.”